Nephylim + Hvalross + Changing Tides + Can Abyss

tba / metal battle voorronde Noord-Brabant / gratis


De Metalbattle is Nederlands eerste landelijke bandcontest, gericht op ons geliefde trommelvlies-verwoestende genre. Het doel van de wedstrijd is om beginnende bands de kans te geven zichzelf live ‘in the picture’ te spelen.

De naam metalbattle dekt eigenlijk al jarenlang niet meer de lading. Ooit begonnen asl een bandcontest maar we zijn die status inmiddels al behoorlijk ontgroeit. Gestreefd wordt naar een doorlopend leertraject voor bands. Een bandcontest, maar dan met de mogelijkheid muzikale beroepscompetenties aan te leren in korte tijd. Tijdens de contest geeft een professionele jury feedback, maar dit is niet alles. Tijdens de gehele battle zijn er voortdurend ingebouwde stappen waar men in contact kan treden met de organisatie en de jury en waarbij men een spiegel word voorgehouden.

Uiteindelijk hou je er meer aan over dan alleen die wedstrijd. Je krijgt de kans voor een goed gevulde zaal te spelen. En je krijgt de kans jezelf in de picture te spelen voor diverse boekers uit het hele land. Daarnaast kun je voor het oog va de jury ook weer andere muzikale competenties ontwikkelen. Na afloop van de battle is er ook altijd mogelijk nog even in conclaaf te gaan met de juryleden en zaken die tijdens de battle even kort worden genoemd even wat langer toe te lichten.

Gedurende de battle zit er ook voor de bands een controlemogelijkheid in om organisatorische fouten aan te kaarten middels enquetes over de diverse stappen/procedures binnen de metalbattle.

De Metal Battle is inmiddels de grootste underground metalcontest van Nederland, met 48 bands in 12 voorrondes, verspreid over het hele land. Er zijn 3 halve finales, waarin telkens 4 bands strijden om de winst. De 3 winnaars van die halve finales komen uiteindelijk uit in de grote finale eind april in Estrado te Harderwijk.

De winnaar en de publieksprijs krijgen een jaar lang de mogelijkheid zich verder in de picture te spelen. Voor de winnaar komt daar nog een platencontract, coaching en een boeker bij. De sky is the limit!! Ben je als band zeer gemotiveerd dan kan je uit deze battle alles halen waar je jaren mee vooruit kunt.


Nephylim combines the aggression of Death metal with versatile and atmospheric melodies, while small touches of Doom and Prog. complete the formula of a unique form of Melodic Death metal, inspired by bands like Insomnium, Be’lakor and Before the Dawn.
In the winter of 2015 Nephylim was originated with the focus of creating music influenced by Scandinavian Melodic Death metal. After a year of continuous writing the band released their first EP called “Torn” (released on 15-12-2015).
After the first international show, Time To Shred Festival II in Emden, Germany; and positive responses on the EP and shows, the quest for the first full length began.
In the past year, 10 individual songs have been created which will form the framework of the message Nephylim wants to spread into the world. The debut album ‘Severance of Serenity’ is set to be released Januari 18th 2020!


Hvalross is a hard rocking band from the South of the Netherlands. The members have been rocking since they were teenagers (and believe us, that is a while ago) in punk, metal, and (prog)rock bands. In the spring of 2018, the four decided that it was time to pick up their instruments again after a three year musical break and rejoin efforts to make great hard rocking music. Renewed arisen energy quickly led to new songs which blend a heavy cocktail of stoner, hard rock and metal. The band demo’d a couple of songs so they could hit the stage to enjoy, release and share their hard rocking energy. As a result, the following year 2019, was a year of some serious gigging for a band without an album. They crossed all over the Netherlands and even made some stops in Belgium. It gave the band the opportunity for creating and shaping their songs, sound and performance. By the end of the year the band started recording their first album which will be released in the beginning of 2020. We will keep you informed, but meanwhile come see us hit it live. It is said that you can hear influences from Mastodon, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden, but in the end it’s just hard rocking Hvalross!

Changing Tides

Changing Tides is a metal band with five members spread over Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands. The band’s music is mostly influenced by the metalcore and deathcore genre. With a well-balanced combination of heavy riffs and deep breakdowns the band always gets the crowd moving. In 2018 the band released their first single named “Awareness”, which received very positive feedback on multiple social media platforms.

Can Abyss

Founded in Tilburg in the nineties Can Abyss returns with a mix of various styles of metal, without feeling restricted to a specific genre. After several changes in the line-up the band consists out of a tight group of friends with the same mission. All faces are pointing  in the same direction to take over the stage with a breath-taking show. The torturing of the guitars is executed by Marco and Edwin. The rhythm section is a combination of the rambling bass played by Richard who also concentrates on the vocals and Tedje who beats the drums. The last accomplishment of Can Abyss is the self-released album “Animated pictures in a spiralling mind.” After an excellent show in The Little Devil in hometown Tilburg the drummer at the time decided to quit the band. To be able to keep going on the band, by lack of someone on the drums, kept developing their sound by using mididrums. Until the band was completed by the new drummer who announced himself and gave Can Abyss a new boost. Now the band is working on a new show and preparing themselves for the future. A new album, complete with video’s and playing tight shows is where the band is concentrated on.
