[Geannuleerd] Little Devil Doom Day Pre-party: Tyrant’s Kall (B) + Kayamata

21u / doom/ death / old school metal / stoner rock / little devil doom day / tba

Tyrant’s Kall

In the history of fantastic literature, there was only seldom an author as great and inspiring as Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937). His stories are of a mysterious kind and, though they cover a wide range of subjects, they all are engulfed by one overall epic and intrigueing atmosphere.

Also today the Lovecraft-mythos still fascinates people. In Flanders it even summoned a real-life cult, for in honour of H.P. Lovecraft, the band Tyrant’s Kall was formed. The musicians of this collective try to grasp a little of the aforementioned wretched and occult atmosphere, and subsequently channel it through their heavy and enthralling music.

Tyrant’s Kall recorded a rehearsal-demo in 2008 and a full-length album, entitled “Dagon”, in 2011 (released May 2012). Back then the band consisted of 4 members, each of them coming from a different musical background. At the end of 2011 H.M. Doom completed the ranks on rhythm guitar.


2014 almost came to an end but had one more thing left; a new band arising from deep space was lurking in this year’s final days. With holy vocals, catchy riffs, 2 guitarists with an ear crushing sound, a bass player deep as the ocean, loud as an exploding spaceship and a drummer who hits harder than the grooviest thunderstorm you ever heard, they take music to a deeper dimension.

Kayāmata is loud, heavy, groovy and catchy. The members of Kayāmata or representatives are not responsible for any death, injury, loss of hearing, stiff necks or damage of any kind suffered by any person while participating with Kayāmata and all related activities of Kayāmata including injury, loss of hearing, stiff necks or damage which might be caused by the negligence of Kayāmata.
