Hemelbestormer (B) + Yantras

21u / post metal / post doom / € 10,- (vvk), € 12,50 (door)

Tijdschema (ovb)
15.00 bar open
20.30 doors
21.00-21.45 Yantras
22.10-23.30 Hemelbestormer


Hemelbestormer is a Dutch word which can be literally translated as “stormer of heaven”, but is given to those with revolutionary minds and idealists. Since 2012 Hemelbestormer opens the doors to a new universe and shout out a mix of various genres, whether it is post-rock, sludge, ambient, doom or even black metal, combined to an instrumental light-dark balanced whole. The Hemelbestormer sigil is marked on various places in Europe. They aim for quality, not quantity. With sole the lights of their custom sigils and entrancing wall projections, each show feels like being sucked into a black hole. Live highlights: Roadburn, Dunk!Fest, Dark Bombastic Evening, Hell over Hammaburg, Funkenflug, Ieperfest, Alcatraz, Incubate, Void Fest, Into Darkness, ArcTanGent, Desertfest, Graspop Metal Meeting, Dome of Rock, Rock Herk and a lot more…


Finding origin in tragedy, Yantras has risen above despair. Based in the witch-hunting capital of the Netherlands, their unique blend of post-doom is drowned in the same dark, apocalyptic and occult themes and raw, primal emotion that was once present in their hometown of Roermond. The current iteration of Yantras formed in 2023 and brings together influences of all kinds of heavy music.
