Tilburgs Finest Indie: Subimago + Diablos Innocentos + PONI

20u / Tilburg’s finest indie – party / gratis


Subimago tries to capture that brief moment of flow. The point where serenity might just become dirty and eargasms are created. Come hear and see Subimago´s ominous live set, where we travel through gloomy electric landscapes, where only those in transition are worshipped and the Subimago must be king.

15:00 Bar open
20:00 Zaal open
20:15-20:45 PONI
Diablos Innocentos
22:35-23:35 Subimago
23:35:03:00 DJ Devil
Diablos Innocentos

na het titelloze debuut uit 1997, een ware lo-fi cult klassieker waarop de band zich liet horen als het Nederlandse antwoord op Guided By Voices, bleef het lang stil. Maar nu is er een nieuw album dat wederom bewijst dat Gerton Govers (Mitch, The Light Brigade) een talentvol en onnavolgbaar songwriter is die ingetogen, breekbare liedjes moeiteloos afwisselt met ongezellige noise en grungy pop.


PONI is the solo project of one half of ErveLien, Tjeerd van Erve, recording and performing the sketches and songs that he wrote for this duo. Inspired by the dark folk, lofi & slowcore of the 1990s and early 2000s, his dark and brooding songs try to capture the moment like little notes and scribbles in a diary, with the difference that the lock is left open for you to read along.

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