Hallowed Fire + Shoot the Messiah

21u / heavy metal / thrash metal / thrash-death / gratis


Hallowed Fire

Thrash (not trash..)/Heavy Metal for your face \m/

Vocals: Rob Mandjes
Lead Guitar: Dani Ruiz Cardo
Rhythm Guitar: Steve Mettes
Bass Guitar: Gio Melis
Drums: Joey Duijm

Shoot the Messiah

Shoot The Messiah is a thrash/death metalband from the Netherlands.

Shoot The Messiah is a thrash/death metalband that was formed at the beginning of 2015.
In the beginning of 2016 Shoot The Messiah started to make stages unsafe with their music.
In the summer of 2016 the band started to record the tracks of their first EP “Here Dead We Lie”. It will be a two-track EP with the songs “Here Dead We Lie” and “Morgellon”. The lyrical concept of “Here Dead We Lie” is based on the poem “Here Dead We Lie” by A. E. Housman about World War I.
21.15 Doors
21.30-22.20 Shoot the Messiah
22.45-23.40 Hallowed Fire